Monday, November 10, 2008

A fun experiment and we (Justin, Zach, and I) are the guinea pigs

I said it was a fun experiment, but it really is not.  It is going to be tortorous.  I just got back from a CrossFit Nutrition Cert.  I spoke to Robb Wolf, strength coach and former research biochemist, about mass gain.  Its an interesting topic that I, as a trainer, deal with often.  He has a well thought out manner of effectively gaining muscle mass.  I will get into those details later.  Just know that we will not do this by eating pancakes, french toast, sandwiches, burritos, and all that shit.  
To be perfectly honest, I do not want to get big.  I enjoy being thin, but in order to effectively prescribe this to my clients I must put myself through this shitty procedure.  The benefit is that I will see strength gains, but my metabolic conditioning will suffer.  I have recruited 2 other colleagues and have made some sort of twisted pack to stuff our face to the point of lethargy.  "Its a means to an end", I told them.  Through this blog I will log my performance, and the changes that will occur (physically and mentally).  I just started and cannot wait for it to be over.  The road back to single digit body fat % should be also be "fun" THIS SHOULD BE INTERESTING.

Let me know what you think.  Speak your mind and if you have any questions about training or our nutrition do not hesitate.

I am following HQ's W.O.D.  I am day behind
Power Cleans
BW 143lbs Max weight 205lbs PR


Zacariah Hildenbrand said...

Let the games begin

Zacariah Hildenbrand said...

what are the urls for your's and ernesto's blogs?