Monday, November 17, 2008


Yes, I have already seen results.  Results proving that consuming fat will not make you fat.  Last week I mentioned I was going to up my fat intake to 5x's the amount of blocks I consumed.  So I have been consuming 80 blocks of fat.  Good fat like nuts, seeds, olive oil, avocado, etc.  I had trouble getting used to it, but I now find it easy to consume this amount.  

Well I said I already saw some good results.  I measured my body fat today and found that I dropped from 6.1% (two and a half weeks ago) to 4.3%.  THATS CRAZY!!!!

I also started the new workout regimen.
Back Squat 7x3-Max weight lifted 260lbs
Shoulder Press 7x3-Max weight lifted 120lbs
Deadlift 7x3-Max weight lifted 315lbs

Pay attention to these numbers cuz they WILL go up.


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