Thursday, November 27, 2008

I am itchin for a workout

Fuck.  It have not worked out since Monday and even that workout was not as intense as I am accustomed to.  It was just heavy lifting, which is cool but I like the "Oh shit I'm about to hurl!!!!" feeling. I am completely addicted to that feeling.  I need it.  So tomorrow I will complete a fun one.  Its that Ol' Farmer Boi Work Out.  You Know.  Some tire flippin', some farmer walkin', and some sledgehammer swingin'.  You best believe I am going to beat the shit outta that tire and hopefully try to flip Big Bertha on my lonely.  So if you drive by EFS tomorrow at around 10:30am you can see me suffer.  Just me and my ipod.  Yea I said it I will have my ipod on so what.  I will also make up some time and try to perform a second w.o.d. without a rest day.  This goes against the programming but so does resting 3 consecutive days.  Hope errbody had a good Turkey Day.  I will se y'all tomorrow.

Dont forget to show up on saturday Sgt. Dobal will be back and I will make the workout as hard as possible for her.


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