Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Get your mathematics right!!!

Hildie and Justin are gettin Preachie. So I guess its my turn to throw a Lil' Some'in' into tha pulpit.

I did my CrossFit work out yesterday. My colleagues and I have found ourselves defending/explaining the logic behind our Short High intensity work outs many times. I am sure you have read Hildie's "Short and Sweet" post on our CrossFit El Paso site. I dont have to explain the phisiological benefits of CrossFit and our manner of training. If you have not read his post, please do it is very insightful. Allow me to elaborate on this subject. Lets get into the physics of CrossFit. The fact is that high intensity work outs are much more beneficial than a typical body building routing lasting 30 or even 60 minutes. This is irrefutable. High intensity exercise helps increase bone density, increases caloric expenditure, increases speed, helps decrease the chances of cardiovascular disease, increases your neuroendocrine response, increases strength and endurance, increase VO2 Max, increasing lactate threshold and the list goes on and on and on. So how does one get an intense work out? Well we first have to define intensity. How many can define intensity? Hmmmm.....
Exercise Physiology defines intensity as power. How much work you can do and in how much time.  

power = work/time

work = force x distance

Coach Glassman put it best "intensity is the independent variable most commonly associated with optimizing return."

MORE WORK IN LESS TIME.  That is intensity, that my friends is power, and that is how you get fit.  Thats how you get ripped, strong, lean, etc.

With CrossFit you WILL reach total fitness, AND increase physical and psychological tolerance.  
So I did this work out on Monday and got the mathematics.  Allow me to prove to you all which work out is more intense.  Which in turn will let us know which method of training will make you FIT.

The Workout

Complete 5 rounds of the following with a 25lb weighted vest

5 deadlifts 245lbs

10 pull ups

When done for time (CrossFit)

Work Performed

59948.84 joules

6112.98 kg-m

44218.26 ft-lbs

Power Output

249.79 watts

0.34 horsepower

184.24 ft-lbs/sec

When done in your typical body building style ("hypertrophy" training). Controlled reps (2 seconds on the concentric contraction, 1 second ismetrice hold, and 2 second eccentric contraction). Dont forget the 1-2 minute rest between each superset.

Work Performed

59948.84 joules

6112.98 kg-m

44218.26 ft-lbs

Power Output

60.86 watts

0.08 horsepower

44.89 ft-lbs/sec

WOW Total Power Output for CrossFit 249.79 watts
Total Power Output when not done for time (Slow tempo) 60.86 watts



Friday, December 5, 2008

F*** Heavy Fran

God!!!! That was horrible.  I was begging for Fran.  Heavy Fran was a nightmare.  I started off well and crashed.  Every dog has his day.  Oh yeah my time 10:03.  I know its embarrassing.  I promise I will get it in sub 8 min next time.  The tought of Fran alone makes me wanna puke.  This work out always does that to me.  Its a total mindfuck (I dont wanna offend anyone with my language, but my blog my rules).

Heres is a pic of one of my meals.  It was absolutely delicious

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


So I had this brilliant idea.  I wanted to up the ante on our workouts and thought "Why not weighted muscle ups?" That shouldn't be too hard. Right? WRONG!!  

So here was my twisted idea.  Complete as many rounds as you can in 12 minutes of the following with a 25 lb vest:
2 muscle ups
3 handstand push ups
4 box jump 45"

First round went well, but complete muscle failure followed soon.  I only got 1 legit muscle up in round to.  Wasted 3 full minutes attempting a second muscle up.  I was not successful and had to sub each muscle up for 3 pull ups and 3 ring dips (6 of each total).  Man was that a fun work out.  It was shitty, but I loved it.  I now find myself determined to perform this work out with 25lb weighted muscle ups.  I guarantee I will capture my unicorn.  I will own it

I also did power cleans 2x10
Matched last weeks PR of 205lb

Errthing else is good.  PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 1, 2008

I shouldn't o' had that bread.

So yea I had some bread and beer. Got back on the gluten for one day. I feel guilty, but oh well. I jump back on the wagon on Friday and are feeling better. Like all of you I felt very sluggish during my work out. I did Elizabeth fat ass sister and she had her way with me. I enjoyed it. It was fun. Im now looking forward to another day of heavy lifting. However, I do miss that met. con. and those 20 minutes workouts. I like the lactate meltdown.

GOOD NEWS: I have continued to gain weight. I now weigh 148.6 lbs. My body fat has changed but its insignificant. I have gone up to 4.9% BF. Its lower than what I started with, but higher than the last reading which took place about a week and a half ago. I am pleased with the results and happy to be part of the long list of athletes that have been successful in following Rob Wolff's Nutritional guidance. I recommend this for every athlete who is looking to improve performance. Keep in mind going 5x's fat is not for everyone at first. One must drop fat percentage significantly. If you have any questions about it come on down to EFS and we, would be more than happy to assist.


Thursday, November 27, 2008

I am itchin for a workout

Fuck.  It have not worked out since Monday and even that workout was not as intense as I am accustomed to.  It was just heavy lifting, which is cool but I like the "Oh shit I'm about to hurl!!!!" feeling. I am completely addicted to that feeling.  I need it.  So tomorrow I will complete a fun one.  Its that Ol' Farmer Boi Work Out.  You Know.  Some tire flippin', some farmer walkin', and some sledgehammer swingin'.  You best believe I am going to beat the shit outta that tire and hopefully try to flip Big Bertha on my lonely.  So if you drive by EFS tomorrow at around 10:30am you can see me suffer.  Just me and my ipod.  Yea I said it I will have my ipod on so what.  I will also make up some time and try to perform a second w.o.d. without a rest day.  This goes against the programming but so does resting 3 consecutive days.  Hope errbody had a good Turkey Day.  I will se y'all tomorrow.

Dont forget to show up on saturday Sgt. Dobal will be back and I will make the workout as hard as possible for her.


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

An Update on the last 4 Days


Completed Helen's fat ass sister.  Man that was bitch.  The lack of sleep caught up to me.  I tanked.

Nutrition is good still doing 18 blocks and 5x fat

Helen's Fat Ass Sis
With a 20lb weighted vest complete the following
250m run
21 kb swings 2 pood (70.5lbs)
12 pull ups

time 11:01 (shitty)


Sprints.  Man are my hamstrings killing me.  This was a very fun workout.  Ernesto, Justin, Zac, and I all got a chance to race.  The results were interesting.  I think we got some pics.  I will see if I can put some up on the C.F.E.P. site




HEAVY.  I have already PR'd.  That means I got a few personal records.  This training program has already helped me with some strength gains.

Back Squat- 5X3 265lbs, 1X1 280lbs (PR)
Push Press-5X3 165lbs, 1X1 175lbs (PR)
Weighted Pull ups-5x3 84lbs, 1X1 114.5lbs

10 sets of 50m sprints


Ahhhhh rest day.  Got a chance to rest and have decided to got gluten for the next few days.  Yes, I said it.  I will not be gluten free and will start by having some corona's. SO WHAT!!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Another "Rest" Day

I was supposed to rest today, but couldn't help myself.  I did 30 muscle ups for time.  I got to work a little earlier and did 30 muscle ups for time.  Didn't time myself, but I think it was around 5 or 6 minutes.  I just don't wanna loose strength in my gymnastics so I might do shit like that on "Rest" Days.  I will try 30 HSPU's on Tues.  I dont think that will affect my progress.

Diet is the same. I had a cheat meal last night.  I had a gluten-free pizza.  Blahhh!  It was nasty, I wished it was Lil Caesars (shot out to Sandra and Ernie Koury) .  I also had gluten-free breadsticks.  Not bad.  I ate them with some of Kim's delicious pesto.  NOTICE: Errthing is gluten-free.  

YES JAVI I GOT 4.3% BF!!!!!! HATER!!!!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

David Vs. The Gauntlet

That workout was awesome.  I miss that nervous feeling before my workout.  I am so use to that feeling.  I am used to that 3 on 1 off workout routine.  I miss it.  The main reason I was so reluctant starting this program was the fact that I had to get away from HQ's programming.  Coach is the man.  His programming is flawless.  However, our goal is to focus on weightlifting more than met. con.  I already mentioned that in an earlier post so let me change the subject.  

Back to my meeting at The Gaunlet.  That was some fun shit.  Maybe the CrossFitters will do it soon (hint).  I did well.  Expect for me eating the box, which by the way is the first time this year.  Its also difficult to jump with 40lb vest.  I also did some Oly. Lifting.  10 sets of 2 repetitions.  I feel I could have done better in this, but I just did not have too much juice. So here are my results

Clean 10x2
Max weight 185lbs

as many rounds as you can in 10 minutes of with a 40lb vest
4 weighted box jumps 30" box
4 weighted pull ups
4 weighted push ups

11 rounds

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I'm getting hungry.

What?  I am wanting more calories.  I have only changed my routine. We are hitting hard and heavy.  Tomorrow I meet the Gauntlet.  I witnessed it today.  It looks rough.  I love it, I FUCKING LOVE IT!!!!!! You like it, I LOVE IT!!!!  I added 2 blocks today and 10 blocks of fat, yum.  I love peanut butter (not being sarcastic, I really do).  People look at me funny cuz I walk around with a spoon and tub of peanut butter around the gym.  "Dude is that peanut butter?"  YES, Yes it is. Its OK stare.  People will be doing the same when they see the effectiveness of CrossFit and its Nutrition Plans.  Robb Wolff is a genius.  Check out his blog, the guy knows his shit.  

CrossFit a new breed of individuals.  No other program will give you true fitness.  

"Our goal is to increase work capacity across broad time and modal domains"
Gregg Glassman

Monday, November 17, 2008


Yes, I have already seen results.  Results proving that consuming fat will not make you fat.  Last week I mentioned I was going to up my fat intake to 5x's the amount of blocks I consumed.  So I have been consuming 80 blocks of fat.  Good fat like nuts, seeds, olive oil, avocado, etc.  I had trouble getting used to it, but I now find it easy to consume this amount.  

Well I said I already saw some good results.  I measured my body fat today and found that I dropped from 6.1% (two and a half weeks ago) to 4.3%.  THATS CRAZY!!!!

I also started the new workout regimen.
Back Squat 7x3-Max weight lifted 260lbs
Shoulder Press 7x3-Max weight lifted 120lbs
Deadlift 7x3-Max weight lifted 315lbs

Pay attention to these numbers cuz they WILL go up.


Sunday, November 16, 2008

Let the fun begin

I just got used to consuming this amount of food and am now going to add an extra 2 blocks to my diet.  Starting tomorrow I will be consuming 18 blocks and  5x the fat (90 blocks).  I will also begin my lifting regimen tomorrow.  I look forward to this.  Rested today. Had a great weekend and am ready for a great week.

Saturday was great

YES!!! P.R. today.  I had a good day.  I am not just saying that to be phony and positive, I really had a good day.  I got to sleep in (6:30 am is sleeping in for me), had time to SIT and eat breakfast (don't ever do that), had a P.R. on the W.O.D., and got somebody to babysit while my wife and I went out.  Yes, we actually went out.  As a parents of a set of twin toddlers, we don't really get a chance to do anything without them.  So that was pretty cool.  Don't get it twisted.  I like spending time with my children, but one does need time for themselves.  Although my Saturday sounds lame to most, I thought it was a good day.  I can't move on without letting everybody know that Ernesto introduced me to gluten-free beer.  It is not bad.  It actually pretty good.  Now that I know where to find gluten-free beer, I think everything will be ok.

The meal plans are easier every day.  I find myself visiting the supermarket everyday.  I am eating more spinach that Popeye the Sailor Man.  Momma always said eat your spinach.  I never thought I would actually do it.

Did a hero W.O.D. Ryan with the other trainers and Rafa.  Great job everyone.  I did pretty good and was satisfied with my performance.  In my opinion, there is still room for improvement.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Another Lovely Day

Well I feel like I am now able to eat all that food.  One observation I have made is my inability to sleep for more than 2 hours at a time.  We'll see how my colleagues feel later.  Justin will jump on board on Monday.  Zac, however, feels better than ever.  Everybody is different and one must tweaks things to reach optimal performance.   I will most likely have to do a couple changes.  I may not be able to reach 30 much less 40 blocks, but I will try my hardest.  I am not sure if I have mentioned this before, but we will not be following HQ's programming we will focus a little more on Oly-Lifts and Power Lifts.  This should help me.  Their is nothing less motivating than seeing yourself tank at work outs you used to tear up.  My shitty performances have made it harder for me mentally.  I will see what I can do about my sleep.  I hope that by fixing that I will see some improvement.  

I did the Bear today with the 6:00pm class and had fun.  You guys all did great.  Its hard to come out to work out on Friday night, but you guys did it.  Like my boy Zac says, "cheers".  

I didn't do so good, (5lbs shy of my PR) but oh well.  I look forward to tomorrow.  We would like for people to stick around and cheer us on.  


Thursday, November 13, 2008

I love and hate rest days

After 3 difficult days I have earned a rest day.  Its a love/hate thing.  I love it, but I miss that feeling you get after the W.O.D.  I am starting to get used to these meal plans.  Its getting easier to eat all this.  Thursdays are usually my cheat nights and man I would love slice of pizza.  If you know any place that has gluten-free pizza please let me know.  I would be very grateful.  Tomorrow should be interesting.  THE BEAR COMPLEX.  I hope to participate with the 6:00 pm class.  I like the group atmosphere.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The sun can't shine all the time

Day 3 of my Paleo-Zone.  My body is not use to this amount of calories.  I no longer feel fast, and light.  I feel sluggish real sluggish.  I did the Fight Gone Bad and like Smokey would say (from the movie Friday) "You got knocked the fuck out!!!!!!"  It was brutal.  I was literally on my hands and knees asking God to make time go faster.  My performance was subpar.  It was worst than subpar.  Like Hildi, you know him as mansquatch I call him Hildi, said, "Your third unborn child could have gotten a higher score."  I am soooo embarrassed  of my score that I refuse to disclose it.  It was over 100 points less my my PR.  There will be more of this to come.  

Let me remind everyone that the aim of this experiment is to gain mass.  We are trying to gain a total of 30lbs in 3 months.  As a result, our metabolic conditioning will be drop.  We have yet to see the significance of this drop.   I hope that in a week or so I will get accustomed to the increase in caloric intake.

Here are some stats that will be affected cuz of the diet
Back Squat-275 RM
Deadlift-345 RM
Shoulder Press-155 RM
Bench Press-265 RM

I am  hoping I will have an increase in all.  I know there will be a decrease in all CrossFit Benchmarks that involve met. con. and possibly those with gymnastic moves.  Remember its a means to and end.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Holy Sh** I am in for a long long long arduous journey.

So let me give you some info on how I am eating.  I am doing a thing called the Paleo-Zone diet.  Paleo (from the Paleolithic Era) is a method of eating that is meant to simulate that of man kind in that era.  During the Paleolithic era all men were hunters and gatherers.  That is, for you numbskulls, animals were hunted and plant foods were gathered. No one farmed animals and grew crops.  So nobody ate cereal, rice, wheat (what everybody eats all the time nowadays).  Also no one drank milk after weaning.  Now I will not be THAT looney, only somewhat.  Let me mention if you have any other questions about the Paleo Diet, google it, or you can ask me.  The main thing is that with this method of eating one does everything possible to eat clean.  Eat meats, nuts and seeds, vegetables, some fruit, little starch and no sugar.  You do not measure, you eat to satiety.  The Zone is a more caloric restrictive diet.  One measure things according to blocks.  Blocks are prescribed through several ways.  The one I used was measuring my body fat and performing a simple calculation (if you have any questions about this method let me know).  However when one is on the Zone, one can eat sugars, grains, rye, tropical fruits, etc. and as long as its measured its OK.  I am combining both.  

I have actually been doing the Paleo-Zone for about 9 months and have dropped to single digit body fat percentage 6.1% to  be exact.  Once I to single digit I double my fat blocks (any questions about this ask) and kept the rest the same, 16 blocks.  I have been eating like this 80% of the week and eating whatever my heart desired, mostly pizza and beer, 20% of the week.

Well, things have changed.  I am no longer doing 80% good and 20% bad.  I am going to cheat only 1-2 meals a week.  In addition, I will now follow a gluten-free diet.  Thank god for gluten-free beer.  This means I will avoid grains, oats, legumes, rye, etc (like the paleolithic man).  I have also multiplied my fat blocks by 5.  I am eating ALOT of almonds, peanuts, olive oil.

I have been doing this for the past 2 days.  Man am I stuffed.  I have not even began to increase my blocks and I feel heavy.  My workout today was horrible.  I getting close to meeting pukie the clown for the first time.  Puking in your mouth does not count.  I have done that several times.  This should be very interesting.

I will not post my meals, but if you want to follow Zac has his meals up.  They are very similar.  Check out his blog.  Ernesto is also doing some cool sh**.

Also just so everyone knows.  I am not gaining wait for vanity, but for performance.  The point is to gain lean mass and strength.  I hope to maintain the same strength to weight ratio.  I could care less about big biceps and shit like that.  

W.O.D. Nate as Rx'd
12 rounds + 2 muscle ups, 3 handstand push ups
PR 13 rounds (I feel really heavy)

Monday, November 10, 2008

A fun experiment and we (Justin, Zach, and I) are the guinea pigs

I said it was a fun experiment, but it really is not.  It is going to be tortorous.  I just got back from a CrossFit Nutrition Cert.  I spoke to Robb Wolf, strength coach and former research biochemist, about mass gain.  Its an interesting topic that I, as a trainer, deal with often.  He has a well thought out manner of effectively gaining muscle mass.  I will get into those details later.  Just know that we will not do this by eating pancakes, french toast, sandwiches, burritos, and all that shit.  
To be perfectly honest, I do not want to get big.  I enjoy being thin, but in order to effectively prescribe this to my clients I must put myself through this shitty procedure.  The benefit is that I will see strength gains, but my metabolic conditioning will suffer.  I have recruited 2 other colleagues and have made some sort of twisted pack to stuff our face to the point of lethargy.  "Its a means to an end", I told them.  Through this blog I will log my performance, and the changes that will occur (physically and mentally).  I just started and cannot wait for it to be over.  The road back to single digit body fat % should be also be "fun" THIS SHOULD BE INTERESTING.

Let me know what you think.  Speak your mind and if you have any questions about training or our nutrition do not hesitate.

I am following HQ's W.O.D.  I am day behind
Power Cleans
BW 143lbs Max weight 205lbs PR