Wednesday, January 14, 2009

You like it, I Love It!!!

I gotta say I am more and more motivated every time I see everones effort during the W.O.D.  I wanna take this opportunity to challenge everyone.  I challenge EVERYONE to come in do the CrossFit W.O.D. at least 4 times a week.  I also challenge ERRBODY to follow the Zone or the Paleo (preferably the Paleo) for 6 weeks.  We are all here to help answer any questions about your eating.  I guarantee you guys will see drastic changes by following the Cave Man Diet.  

I am also happy to see you guys commenting on our blogs.  Thats Fucking AWESOME.  Yes, it gets me fired up!  Big Dave, happy to see you participating on the C.F.E.P. Blog and on my blog.  
Ev, my boy Dave could not have put it any betta.  That is a very clear definition for Met. Con. (metabolic conditioning)

So here is an update.  I have been back for 3 days and am sore as hell.  I love it! My diet is once again dialed in and I am determined.  Here is a run down of what I did
5 rounds for time
5 OVHS #115
10 pull ups
time 5.43 (SLUGGISH)
for time
155 pound Power clean 15 reps
30 Ring dips
155 pound Power clean 12 reps
24 Ring dips
155 pound Power clean 9 reps
18 Ring dips
155 pound Power clean 6 reps
12 Ring dips
155 pound Power clean 3 reps
6 Ring dips

time 14.43 (UGGHH!!!)
max 365 lbs PR (old Pr 350 lbs)  I guess that rest helped a bit
max 165 lbs

Safe Travels to Katie Birk.  Stay on your game girl.


Unknown said...

Hi David

Today El Paso was listed as No. 7th in the Fattest Cities list.

I have a friend from the El Paso Times who wants to do some video interviews for the Times Web site about their thoughts on fitness, etc.

I told him to stop by EFS tonight and talk to some of the crossfitters. It'll be a nice plug for the gym :)

David Big D Peregrino

Ev said...

Yes, I heard this on the radio also. Some El Pasoans were appalled that we were listed number 7 and were calling into the radio station trying to justify why it was rated so high.

On a different note, I had already challenged myself to do exactly as you stated in this blog. Do CF at least 4 times weekly and zone (without the bread). I started 2 weeks ago and have been pretty consistent about it and I've seen results already! Then my boss goes and sends me to Midland/Odessa all next week! So much for keeping my goals! It's so hard when traveling!!! Any thoughts?

David K. said...

Ev, I am glad to see you so determined. In regards to you going out of town. Just focus on eating meats, nuts, and seeds. Stay away from starchy foods and sugar. Every restaurant offers some sort of plate that has plenty of greens and some sort of protein.

Big D, Bring your boy by the club. We would LOVE to speak with him.