Friday, January 2, 2009

I Know You Miss Reading My Blogs

Yea I have been neglecting my blog.  I apologize to those who look forward to it (not many).  I wanted to give everyone a chance to read my CrossFit sermon.  So a New Year.  Let me say

 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now that thats outta the way. Lets talk Fitness.  In my never ending quest for total body fitness I have noticed that in this high fat diet a.k.a. Athlete Zone-Paleo, the possibilities for strength gains are nearly limitless. Programming has a lot to do with it as well.  I remember doing the infamous w.o.d. Mr. Joshua.  It involved a total of 45 deadlift reps at 250 lbs.  I weighed 140 lbs and was struggling.  Last week another w.o.d. with a total of 45 deadlift reps.  This time at 275 lbs.  The weight felt lighter than the 250 lbs I did 2 months ago.  Its the diet and the programming.  

I will go into CrossFit Exile.  Reading, learning, watching, programming, and just take some massive chugs of the Kool Aid.  Towards the end of my 'exile' I will take a trip to Sand Diego and help out in another CrossFit Level 1 cert.  That will enough juice to stay focused from now until the CF Games 2009 qualifiers and the CF Games.  Both Hildie and I hope to make it through.  


Zacariah Hildenbrand said...

And we will make it through!

On all of our behalves, we all appreciate your efforts of investigation into more superior methods and a deeper understanding of the science crossfit.

Zacariah Hildenbrand said...

Hang in there pal, a little exile never hurt.

Give me a call if you need anything!
