Monday, December 1, 2008

I shouldn't o' had that bread.

So yea I had some bread and beer. Got back on the gluten for one day. I feel guilty, but oh well. I jump back on the wagon on Friday and are feeling better. Like all of you I felt very sluggish during my work out. I did Elizabeth fat ass sister and she had her way with me. I enjoyed it. It was fun. Im now looking forward to another day of heavy lifting. However, I do miss that met. con. and those 20 minutes workouts. I like the lactate meltdown.

GOOD NEWS: I have continued to gain weight. I now weigh 148.6 lbs. My body fat has changed but its insignificant. I have gone up to 4.9% BF. Its lower than what I started with, but higher than the last reading which took place about a week and a half ago. I am pleased with the results and happy to be part of the long list of athletes that have been successful in following Rob Wolff's Nutritional guidance. I recommend this for every athlete who is looking to improve performance. Keep in mind going 5x's fat is not for everyone at first. One must drop fat percentage significantly. If you have any questions about it come on down to EFS and we, would be more than happy to assist.



Anonymous said...

ok fatboy...up by several tenths of a should have stayed strong and not had that bread or pizza. slacker!

jmreese said...

haha, tell hiim buttercup!

Anonymous said...

your new name is Fatboy-Slim...ask mansquatch who that is...oh yeah, justino has better arms! Ha!