Friday, December 5, 2008

F*** Heavy Fran

God!!!! That was horrible.  I was begging for Fran.  Heavy Fran was a nightmare.  I started off well and crashed.  Every dog has his day.  Oh yeah my time 10:03.  I know its embarrassing.  I promise I will get it in sub 8 min next time.  The tought of Fran alone makes me wanna puke.  This work out always does that to me.  Its a total mindfuck (I dont wanna offend anyone with my language, but my blog my rules).

Heres is a pic of one of my meals.  It was absolutely delicious


Zacariah Hildenbrand said...

That does like delicious. Whats on the salad? Watermelon?

Avocados on meat and pb on apples give me a halfer.

mblarkin said...

Check this out David!!