Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Get your mathematics right!!!

Hildie and Justin are gettin Preachie. So I guess its my turn to throw a Lil' Some'in' into tha pulpit.

I did my CrossFit work out yesterday. My colleagues and I have found ourselves defending/explaining the logic behind our Short High intensity work outs many times. I am sure you have read Hildie's "Short and Sweet" post on our CrossFit El Paso site. I dont have to explain the phisiological benefits of CrossFit and our manner of training. If you have not read his post, please do it is very insightful. Allow me to elaborate on this subject. Lets get into the physics of CrossFit. The fact is that high intensity work outs are much more beneficial than a typical body building routing lasting 30 or even 60 minutes. This is irrefutable. High intensity exercise helps increase bone density, increases caloric expenditure, increases speed, helps decrease the chances of cardiovascular disease, increases your neuroendocrine response, increases strength and endurance, increase VO2 Max, increasing lactate threshold and the list goes on and on and on. So how does one get an intense work out? Well we first have to define intensity. How many can define intensity? Hmmmm.....
Exercise Physiology defines intensity as power. How much work you can do and in how much time.  

power = work/time

work = force x distance

Coach Glassman put it best "intensity is the independent variable most commonly associated with optimizing return."

MORE WORK IN LESS TIME.  That is intensity, that my friends is power, and that is how you get fit.  Thats how you get ripped, strong, lean, etc.

With CrossFit you WILL reach total fitness, AND increase physical and psychological tolerance.  
So I did this work out on Monday and got the mathematics.  Allow me to prove to you all which work out is more intense.  Which in turn will let us know which method of training will make you FIT.

The Workout

Complete 5 rounds of the following with a 25lb weighted vest

5 deadlifts 245lbs

10 pull ups

When done for time (CrossFit)

Work Performed

59948.84 joules

6112.98 kg-m

44218.26 ft-lbs

Power Output

249.79 watts

0.34 horsepower

184.24 ft-lbs/sec

When done in your typical body building style ("hypertrophy" training). Controlled reps (2 seconds on the concentric contraction, 1 second ismetrice hold, and 2 second eccentric contraction). Dont forget the 1-2 minute rest between each superset.

Work Performed

59948.84 joules

6112.98 kg-m

44218.26 ft-lbs

Power Output

60.86 watts

0.08 horsepower

44.89 ft-lbs/sec

WOW Total Power Output for CrossFit 249.79 watts
Total Power Output when not done for time (Slow tempo) 60.86 watts



Friday, December 5, 2008

F*** Heavy Fran

God!!!! That was horrible.  I was begging for Fran.  Heavy Fran was a nightmare.  I started off well and crashed.  Every dog has his day.  Oh yeah my time 10:03.  I know its embarrassing.  I promise I will get it in sub 8 min next time.  The tought of Fran alone makes me wanna puke.  This work out always does that to me.  Its a total mindfuck (I dont wanna offend anyone with my language, but my blog my rules).

Heres is a pic of one of my meals.  It was absolutely delicious

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


So I had this brilliant idea.  I wanted to up the ante on our workouts and thought "Why not weighted muscle ups?" That shouldn't be too hard. Right? WRONG!!  

So here was my twisted idea.  Complete as many rounds as you can in 12 minutes of the following with a 25 lb vest:
2 muscle ups
3 handstand push ups
4 box jump 45"

First round went well, but complete muscle failure followed soon.  I only got 1 legit muscle up in round to.  Wasted 3 full minutes attempting a second muscle up.  I was not successful and had to sub each muscle up for 3 pull ups and 3 ring dips (6 of each total).  Man was that a fun work out.  It was shitty, but I loved it.  I now find myself determined to perform this work out with 25lb weighted muscle ups.  I guarantee I will capture my unicorn.  I will own it

I also did power cleans 2x10
Matched last weeks PR of 205lb

Errthing else is good.  PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 1, 2008

I shouldn't o' had that bread.

So yea I had some bread and beer. Got back on the gluten for one day. I feel guilty, but oh well. I jump back on the wagon on Friday and are feeling better. Like all of you I felt very sluggish during my work out. I did Elizabeth fat ass sister and she had her way with me. I enjoyed it. It was fun. Im now looking forward to another day of heavy lifting. However, I do miss that met. con. and those 20 minutes workouts. I like the lactate meltdown.

GOOD NEWS: I have continued to gain weight. I now weigh 148.6 lbs. My body fat has changed but its insignificant. I have gone up to 4.9% BF. Its lower than what I started with, but higher than the last reading which took place about a week and a half ago. I am pleased with the results and happy to be part of the long list of athletes that have been successful in following Rob Wolff's Nutritional guidance. I recommend this for every athlete who is looking to improve performance. Keep in mind going 5x's fat is not for everyone at first. One must drop fat percentage significantly. If you have any questions about it come on down to EFS and we, would be more than happy to assist.
